

Pos Malaysia stays abreast with the postal development in the international arena with its global counterparts through its participation in the Universal Postal Union (UPU), Asian-Pacific Postal Union (APPU), Asean Postal Business Meeting (ASEANPOST) and Commonwealth Conference of Postal Administrations (CCPA) .

Universal Postal Union (UPU)


The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is a specialised organisation of the United Nations established in 1874 to coordinate postal policies around the globe and to act as the primary forum for collaboration amongst participants in the postal industry.

UPU plays an advisory, mediating, and liaison role in international mail exchanges, establishes the rules, and offers suggestions to stimulate the growth of the mail, parcel, and financial services industries. 192 nations currently make up its membership.

Malaysia became a member of the UPU in 1958, and currently takes an active role in both the UPU Council of Administration and the UPU Postal Operations Council.

Asian-Pacific Postal Union (APPU)


The Asian-Pacific Postal Union (APPU) is the UPU's regional postal union. It is an intergovernmental organisation made up of 32 nations and provides members with a forum in which to discuss issues of strategic relevance to postal services in the Asia Pacific area as well as to exchange ideas and experiences. Pos Malaysia has been an active member of the APPU and hosted the 2016 meeting of the APPU Executive Council in Langkawi.

Asean Postal Business Meeting (ASEANPOST)


ASEANPOST was established in 1992 exclusively for postal operators in ASEAN countries. It is an informal business forum for ASEAN postal leaders to discuss matters of commercial business values, mostly regional cooperation, which includes new business initiatives, strategic alliances, smart partnerships, and operational improvement initiatives. Currently, Pos Malaysia is the Chairman of ASEANPOST.

Conference of Commonwealth Postal Administrations (CCPA)


The Conference of Commonwealth Postal Administrations (CCPA) is a forum for Commonwealth postal operators to assemble once every two or three years. The members exchange and review information, discuss strategies to strengthen postal cooperation, enhance the quality of services and promote postal development among member countries.