News Release

Resignation of Non-Executive Director

2022-11-29 04:00 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, 29 NOVEMBER 2022 – Pos Malaysia Berhad (“Pos Malaysia” or the “Group”) today announced the resignation of Sharifah Sofia binti Syed Mokhtar Shah (“Sharifah Sofia”) as its Non-Executive Director effective 20 December 2022.

Sharifah Sofia was appointed to the Board of the Company on 13 April 2018. After serving on the Board for almost five years, Sharifah Sofia would like to pursue interests in emerging market investments, an industry she was exposed to earlier, having started her career as a summer analyst in Morgan Stanley, Singapore. She was also an External Consultant to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from October 2015 to May 2016.

Sharifah Sofia also had a stint with Grameen Bank, Bangladesh where she acquired experience in the areas of microfinance and the operation of social businesses. Also, she held executive position in the Company when she joined Pos Malaysia as Special Officer to the then Group Chief Executive Officer from January to October 2017.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics from University of York, United Kingdom, subsequently, obtained a Master of Science in Development Management from London School of Economics and Political Science and was also a Congressional Intern at Washington DC, U.S.A.

Sharifah Sofia has contributed immensely to the Group through her valuable inputs and insights in many areas with energising perspectives and refreshing viewpoints. The Board and Management of Pos Malaysia convey their appreciation and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.