Surface Parcel

Surface Parcel

Surface Parcel

Looking for a cheaper way to ship bulky and heavy items overseas? Surface Parcel lets you ship items weighing up to 30 kg to over 200 countries worldwide by sea but with longer delivery time. It comes with online tracking and proof of delivery too!

  Rate (RM)
Zone Countries Estimated Delivery Time (Weeks) First 1kg Every Additional 500g
1 Hong Kong 3 - 4 48.00 4.00
2 China, Indonesia, Philippines 4 - 7 55.00 5.00
3 India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam 4 - 9 65.00 7.00
4 Australia, Austria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Fiji, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Macao, Mexico, Norfolk Island, Qatar 5 - 14 75.00 9.00
5 Andorra (France), Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Corsica (France), Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritius, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, Poland, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Swaziland, Sweden, Tonga, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vatican City 6 - 15 85.00 11.00
6 Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Azores, Belarus, Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia, Madeira (Portugal), Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, North Korea, Norway, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States of America 6 - 16 95.00 15.00
7 Other Countries 6 - 18 105.00 18.00

*The estimated delivery time listed above applies to major cities only. Delivery outside major cities may incur additional days.


Packets, envelopes with enclosures, documents and other merchandise are subjected to customs inspection and clearance.An additional 48 to 72 hours are required for items placed under customs inspection and clearance.


Your items may be subjected to additional control and domestic rules of the destination country. Where such circumstances occur, the sender is advised to deal directly with the relevant authorities of the destination country.




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