Deepavali 2021 Setem Ku Sheet

One of the most important festivals of the year, Deepavali is​ celebrated with wonderful and colourful customs and traditions by​ the Hindus, and all Indians in general.​

For this latest instalment of Setem Ku Malaysian festive issue, the​ Deepavali 2021 Setem Ku folder set features the artwork of local​ Indian artist, Mona KV. Just like the others in​ the series, this collection features the preparation, activities and​ food commonly associated with the festival such as making kolam​ art, hanging mango leaves at the main entrance, lighting agal​ vilakku and more.​


This product includes:


●     1 sheet of Deepavali 2021 stamps (10 pcs of 60sen SetemKu stamps)


Date of issue: 03.11.2021

Place of issue: Kuala Lumpur

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